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Tui Wellness Solutions

Youth empowerment programmes

Due to high demand and long waiting lists, we will not be taking new bookings for 2024


Tui Wellness provides confidence and empowerment coaching for young people.  We provide a preventative mental health and emotional and social intelligence service that empowers youth (5 – 18 years) to become successful and confident in today’s world.  We exist to help children that are often considered to be ‘under the radar’ in terms of their social and emotional needs, yet lack the self-belief and self-worth to reach their full potential in life.


Since 2018, we've worked with youth to develop tools and strategies for building self-worth, self-belief, a growth mindset, wellbeing, and confidence.  Topics regularly covered include: developing communication skills; managing worries and anxiety; increasing school engagement and participation; building relevant social skills; navigating friendships and bullying; self-esteem; flipping negative thoughts; emotional regulation; an attitude of gratitude; developing growth mindset; stress management; developing sensory awareness; understanding who we are; and zones of regulation.


Our vision: to support communities where every young person has the ability and opportunity to create relationships, confidence, and to reach their full potential.

Our mission: empowering youth to become their best by providing them and their communities with education, programmes, role models, resources and support.  Providing specially-made programmes to teach young people the skills they need to reach their full potential.


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Kids Club

Empowering confident kids

Kids Club is a weekly class for children aged 5 to 8.  The intention for these classes is to inspire your child to believe they can do anything.  We develop creativity, self belief, a growth mindset and confidence through discussion, activities and self reflection.  We provide an environment for self love, respect and fun.


We cover topics such as expressing gratitude, self-regulation, confident communication, and moving away from self-negativity to help realise our full potential.  We work on tools to help kids improve in each area, along with learning communication skills, teamwork, and creating friendships.


Kids Club runs as weekly classes during school term time.    

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Girls empowerment

Aroha is a weekly class for girls aged 9-13 years.  Our vision with these classes is to help all young women find confidence, self esteem and self-belief, enabling them to flourish in life.  Aroha classes work through discussion, activities, and self-reflection, and look at topics such as friendships, who am I, positive self-talk, confident communication, and a growth mindset.  These classes aim to help girls reach their full potential in a positive environment.


Aroha runs as weekly classes during school term time.    

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Boys empowerment

Toa is a weekly class for boys aged 9-13 years.  These classes develop communication skills, creating and maintaining friendships, emotional regulation, and self esteem.   Toa classes work through discussion, activities, and self-reflection, with a focus on both workbooks and group activities.  These classes aim to provide an environment where boys can thrive, catering for the different ways that boys learn and interact with one another.


Toa runs as weekly classes during school term time.    

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One-on-one programmes

We provide a service of one-on-one programmes for your child.  The intention of these programmes is to help identify specific skills that would benefit your child, and help build their confidence and self esteem through support, tools, and strategies.


One-on-one programmes are run weekly during school term time.


Youth Place

School programmes

We provide school-based programmes where we work one-on-one or in small groups with students during school time.  The purpose of these classes is to increase self esteem, student engagement, and participation.  Once tools are learnt in class, support is then provided for teachers to use these tools in the classroom.

Kids at Playground
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About Us

Tui - CEO and Youth Wellbeing Advocate

My name is Tui.  I have a background as a qualified registered nurse, and worked for many years providing community care for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.  I started Tui Wellness in 2018 as I saw a strong need to help children that are often considered to be ‘under the radar’ in terms of their social and emotional needs, yet lacked the self-belief and self-worth to reach their full potential.  Since then I have seen the benefits of teaching young people the skills they need to be their best in the 200-plus children that have been through or are currently attending my programmes.  I have completed a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Practitioners Course, which provides me with another valuable tool to improve wellbeing in children.


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My 5 year old daughter Sahara, completed the day workshop with Tui today and she absolutely LOVED it! It was her choice to attend this workshop and was the youngest attendee. She arrived feeling quite shy (she attended alone without her identical twin sister who chose not to do the workshop, so missing her other half), but on pickup she was excited about all the things she had done. Sahara is keen to do more workshops with Tui and her twin sister is also keen to come along.
Myself as a parent really enjoyed seeing the confidence my child had to attend this day without her twin and also the confidence she had to share and write down the wonderful qualities she has. As adults, we look at well-being solutions but as a kid, the importance is more so as they face many challenges growing up. Tui has such a wonderful, calm manner and is amazing with children. Thank you Tui for providing these workshops for the children.


Tui is doing wonderful work, teaching the kids many fantastic life skills and concepts to empower them now and in their future lives.  Tui is a gem and has a wonderful gift of seeing and celebrating each child's individuality.


I'm very grateful for all the classes you have done.  I really enjoyed being part of the class.


Thank you so much for helping us.  I love how you are always so positive about everything.


You are amazing and a great person, we love being in Aroha.  We really enjoyed it.


​Thank you for letting me trust you. I'm thankful you taught me about good friends and bad friends and what I'm grateful for

Feedback from the kids

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Terms and conditions for engagement
of the services of Tui Wellness Solutions

Please read all terms carefully. By engaging our service, you hereby agree to all of our following Terms and Conditions.

1. Charges and Payment

1.1   Your class booking is confirmed by Tui Wellness Solutions providing you with a booking confirmation and invoice.  

1.2   Payment is due in full on the due date specified on the invoice, and prior to services commencing.

1.3   In the event of a child not attending booked classes, full payment will still be required.
1.4   Payment is accepted by cash or electronic transfer only – sorry we do not accept credit cards.
1.5   All overdue accounts will incur a $25 per month administration charge.
1.6   In the event of default on the payment, the client shall be liable for all Tui Wellness Solutions costs and expenses (including legal costs on a Solicitor/Client basis and any debt collection costs) of recovering payment.

2. Privacy

2.1   At Tui Wellness Solutions, we are committed to protecting your privacy.
2.2   Any personal information supplied to Tui Wellness Solutions will only be used to enable us to provide your child with the very best personalised care.
2.3   Under no circumstances will Tui Wellness Solutions disclose any personal information you have supplied to any other parties/organisation unless authorised by the caregiver.

3. Services

3.1   Tui Wellness Solutions agrees to provide the child the services on the agreed day and time.
3.2   Services provided by Tui Wellness Solutions will be provided by use of communication, workbooks and worksheets.  The caregiver is responsible to update Tui Wellness Solutions of any changes of information the child has. This includes medical and personal details.

3.3   The caregiver acknowledges that even with the best of care, accidents and illness can occur, and therefore releases Tui Wellness Solutions from liability should this occur whilst their child is in the care of Tui Wellness Solutions.

3.4   One-on-one classes are only able to be booked for one child per lesson.

4. Cancellation

4.1   Missed classes are not eligible for refunds. 

4.2   We provide credits for missed classes only due to sickness.  These credits will be applied to your account and will be put towards payment for the next term’s lessons. No refunds will be issued.  There will be a charge of 50% of the cost of the class for cancellations made after midday on the day of the class.  

4.3   Classes postponed by Tui Wellness Solutions will be credited by providing make-up classes at the end of the programme, subject to availability, or as otherwise determined by Tui Wellness Solutions.

5. General

5.1   Information provided to Tui Wellness Solutions is used to provide programmes to best support the child, and as such it is the caregiver’s responsibility to ensure this is kept up to date for all classes.
5.2   Tui Wellness Solutions does not provide counselling services or services for children requiring specialist input.
5.3   Tui Wellness Solutions does not diagnose or make medical decisions. Any medical concerns will be referred to the caregiver to action.

5.4   The classes provided by Tui Wellness Solutions are drop-off classes.

5.5   Caregivers are responsible for accompanying their child to Tui Wellness Solutions classes and picking the child up after class.

6. Acceptance Procedure

6.1   By booking with Tui Wellness Solutions, you inherently indicate your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about the terms of this agreement, please contact us to discuss them prior to entering this agreement.
6.2   Tui Wellness Solutions reserves the right to deny service or terminate service for reasons including safety concerns, financial concerns or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations.

​6.3   If we cannot contact you for any reason, your emergency contact will be responsible for all decisions regarding care or treatment required by the child.

Think, Believe, Achieve

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